Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Christian Leadership Training 05

In May of 2005 the Association of Ifagao Bible Chruches hosted a conference that focused on training church learders from Balangao. Almost 300 men and women from all around the surrounding area came to attend this three day conference which included good teaching, food, singing, and entertainment from Balangao youth.

A small team from Grace Bible Church in Arroyo Grande California came was present to help in the teaching and to serve and encourage where they could. A member from this California team named Nita, who was recently widowed ministered to other widows from Ifagao. They shared a nice time of food and fellowship together as Nita encourage her Balangao sisteres.

Pastor Doming Lucasi taught and translated for the guest teachers from Manila and the States. The topics covered at this conference included, "The Marks of a True Believer" taught by American Missionary Sean Ransom, "How to Study the Bible" by American Missionary Chuck Guill, and other topics including prayer, and the role of elders in the church.

The women also enjoyed a good time in some seperate seminars which featured "The Marks of a Godly Wife and Mother" by American Missionary Jessica Ransom. Their seminars were followed by a stimulating question and answer times and great fellowship. The ladies were really encourage and asked for more teaching on the topic of marriage and child raising.

The men were also encourage and in response to the seminar, "The Marks of a True Believer" one man said that he found out that he was not a believer, (he thought he was). As a result he decided to invite the elders to start a home bible study in his house so that he, his wife, and children could hear the word of God.


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