Sunday, June 10, 2007

The family without papa

Leo, Lyle with Sam, Cherry with Dominique, Violet with Zion, Loree with Beth and Joy

The Lucasi family
Continuing serving the Lord without papa.

Again, we would like to thank all those who have supported us, financially, materially and emotionally before and after papa's death. Your prayers are the greatest help.

THREADS at Nueva Vizcaya's Panagyaman Festival 2007

"This is a long-time prayer that we never expected to be fulfilled. The place was crowded. It was fun seeing our expressions reflected on the faces of the audience. Even the people who were just passing by, stopped and watched us.” - Len Dawadao

"I stood in the stage and my heart started to beat faster. I am doing this for the Lord. There are many lives that needed to be touched. I cried because I wanted the people to know how much the Lord has done for them.” - Faith Mae Bangilan

"In every performance I give my best for the Lord. I am thankful for my role as Jesus because I am being used in showing the pain and suffering that He went through because He loved us so much." - Jordan Bahiyan
Click the picture or visit the THREADS website for the whole story: